Building IoT applications important MCQs in English/Hindi | Nielit Notes | PDF

This post covers all important Questions from the topic "Building IoT applications".

These MCQs will definitely help to pass IT and Computer students in any exam and interview that have Building IoT applications topic.

Building IoT applications chapter covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Arduino IDE.

2. Embedded ‘C’ Language basics.

3. Conditional Statements and Loops.

4. Arrays.

5. Interfacing sensors.

6. Serial communication.

After completion of Building IoT applications unit, Students will be able to understand: 

  • Working of microcontroller and hardware prototyping Arduino platform.
  • The role of ‘C’ language in building IoT applications.
  • Built-in Data-type, operators-expressions.
  • Conditional statements and loops.
  • Arrays, functions.
  • Digital, analog pins of Arduino.
  • Interfacing sensors, actuator.
  • Using the Ardublock GUI tool.

Building IoT applications MCQs

Here are the 88 most important and frequently asked MCQs from the  "Building IoT applications" topic.

1. What is Arduino?

a. Programming language

b. Image editing software

c. Open-source electronics platform

d. Text editor

Ans. c

2.The microcontroller board like Arduino Diecimila mainly depends on the ?

a. ATmega168

b. AtMega 2560

c. AtMega 328

d. AtMega 32U4

Ans. a

3. How many types of Arduino do we have?

a. 4

b. 8

c. 12

d. 16

Ans. b

4. What is the function in Arduino that is capable of reading Strings from a stream and store the acquired value into a String?

a. Stream.readstring()

b. Stream.stringread()

c. Stream.readString()

d. Stream.readfromstring()

Ans. c

5. What language is a typical Arduino code based on?

a. Assembly Code

b. Python

c. Java

d. C/C++

Ans. d

6. How many analog pins are used in Arduino Mega board?

a. 12

b. 16

c. 8

d. 14

Ans. b

7. Arduino IDE consists of 2 functions. What are they?

a. Loop() and build() and setup()

b. Build() and loop()

c. Setup() and build()

d. Setup() and loop()

Ans. d

8. What is the use of the Arduino.h header file?

a. It enables the programmer to access all of Arduino’s core functionality

b. It doesn’t have any use and can be omitted at any point of time in the code

c. It gives root access to the microcontroller’s file system

d. It allows other people to create libraries for the Arduino code

Ans. a

9. Which Arduino Board contains an onboard joystick?

a. Arduino Nano

b. Arduino Due

c. Arduino Esplora

d. Arduino UNO

Ans. c

10. What is the use of the Vin pin present on some Arduino Boards?

a. To ground the Arduino Board

b. To power the Arduino Board

c. To provide a 5V output

d. Is used for plugging in 3V supply

Ans. b

11. What is the correct execution process of an Arduino code?

a. Editor->Preprocessor->Compiler

b. Preprocessor->Editor->Compiler

c. Compiler->Preprocessor->Editor

d. Editor->Compiler->Preprocessor

Ans. a

12. What is the use of the Ethernet library?

a. To connect the Arduino to Ethernet

b. To connect the Arduino to Li-Fi

c. To connect the Arduino to Bluetooth

d. To connect the Arduino to Wi-Fi

Ans. a

13. What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?

a. ATmega32114

b. AT91SAM3x8E

c. ATmega2560

d. ATmega328p

Ans. d

14. What is the use of the Sd.h Library in Arduino?

a. To communicate with the computer

b. To communicate with the internet

c. To communicate with the SD Card Module

d. To communicate with another microcontroller

Ans. c

15. Which board is the first to use a microcontroller within the build USB?

a. RedBoard

b. Leonardo

c. LilyPad

d. UNO

Ans. b

16. Which Arduino Board contains an onboard joystick?

a. Arduino Nano

b. Arduino UNO

c. Arduino Esplora

d. Arduino Due

Ans. c

17. What is the function of the IOREF pin on the Arduino UNO?

a. To take input voltage and set it as a reference for all GPIO operations

b. To provide a constant 12V DC supply

c. To provide ground

d. To provide the voltage corresponding to the standard GPIO working voltage of the board

Ans. d

18. Which processor supports the Arduino Zero?

a. ARM Cortex M0+

b. ARM Cortex M3

c. Atmega32u4

d. Atmega328P

Ans. a

19. What is the full form of UART?

a. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

b. Universal Anti-Rectifying Transmitter

c. Universal Asynchronous Radio Transmitter

d. Universal Asynchronous Rectifier Transistor

Ans. a

20. In Serial Communications, how many sections is a data packet divided into?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans. d

21. What is the operating voltage of Atmega328?

a. 1.9V to 5V

b. 1.8V to 5.5V

c. 1.1V to 5V

d. 12V to 9V

Ans. b

22. Which Arduino Boards use the Atmega32U4?

a. Arduino Uno

b. None Mega

c. Arduino Micro

d. Arduino Leonardo

Ans. d

23. Is the Arduino code an Object-Oriented programming language or a Procedural programming language?

a. The Arduino Code follows the Top-Down Procedural ideology

b. The Arduino Code follows a custom Procedural Ideology

c. The Arduino Code follows the Object-Oriented ideology

d. The Arduino Code follows the Bottom-Up Procedural ideology

Ans. c

24. Which Arduino Product is not just a board but also comes preinstalled with wheels and a motor board.

a. The LilyPad

b. The Robot

c. The Flora

d. The Mega

Ans. b

25. Where does the Arduino IDE search if it needs to find out the Name of a type of Arduino Board?

a. Arduino.h

b. build.txt

c. boards.txt

d. build.core

Ans. c

26. How many times does the setup() function run on every startup of the Arduino System?

a. 4

b. 5

c. 2

d. 1

Ans. d

27. After the compilation process, the file containing the assembly instructions for the microcontroller is stored in a file. What is the file type?

a. .o

b. .hex

c. .cpp

d. .hpp

Ans. b

28. Which of the following file format is generated once the C code is compiled?

a. .c

b. .h

c. .ino

d. .o

Ans. d

29. What is the .d file format’s use in C?

a. For managing dependencies

b. For the D programming language

c. For storing the variables and memory locations

d. For creating new errors in dependencies

Ans. a

30. Which Arduino board is famous for integration with fabric-based projects?

a. The Nano

b. The UNO

c. The Mega

d. The LilyPad

Ans. d

31. Why does every compilation of a source code in Arduino check for previous compilations?

a. To delete the previously generated “.o” files

b. To use the previously generated “.o” files

c. To relocate the previously generated “.o” files

d. To copy the previously generated “.o” files

Ans. b

32. How to view each command that gets executed during the compilation process?

a. Enable Verbose Output

b. Disable Verbose Output

c. Show Sketch Folder

d. Open Serial Plotter

Ans. a

33. Which of the following statements is not true when dealing with the Firmata library?

a. The Firmata Library uses the Firmata Protocol for communicating data

b. The Firmata Library uses the Midi Message Format

c. The Firmata Library can only be used on an Arduino Uno

d. The Firmata Library is used to establish communications between the Arduino and the Desktop

Ans. c

34. What is the output of “pin1” if “pin2” is sent “1011” where 1 is 5V and 0 is 0V?

int pin1 = 12;

int pin2 = 11;

void setup() {

    pinMode(pin1, OUTPUT);

    pinMode(pin2, INPUT);



void loop() {

    if(digitalRead(pin2)==1) {



    else if(digitalRead(pin2)==0) {




a. 1110

b. 0100

c. 1111

d. 1011

Ans. b

35. Which Arduino Board does the SigFox Library work with?

a. Arduino MKRFOX1200

b. Arduino MKRZero

c. Arduino MKRFOX1230

d. Arduino MKR1000

Ans. a

36. What technology does the OV7670 Camera Module use for image sub-sampling?

a. ConstPix

b. Activarr

c. Tidal

d. VarioPixel

Ans. d

37. Arduino Codes are referred to as ________ in the Arduino IDE.

a. sketches

b. drawings

c. links

d. notes

Ans. a

38. What is the default bootloader of the Arduino UNO?

a. AIR-boot

b. GAG

c. Optiboot bootloader

d. Bare box

Ans. c

39. What will be the output of the following Arduino code?

void main() {

    int a = 0; 

    double d = 10.21;

    printf("%lu", sizeof(a + d.);


void loop() {}

a. 10.21

b. 8

c. null

d. 23

Ans. b

40. What is the use of the ESP8266 WiFi Module?

a. Network Provider

b. Switches circuits

c. Evaluates air pressure

d. Monitors Motion

Ans. a

41. What is the full form of EEPROM?

a. Electrically Encoded Programmable Read Only Memory

b. Encrypted Electronic Programmable Read Only Memory

c. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

d. Electronic Embedded Programmable Read Only Memory

Ans. c

42. Why is the Arduino Mega more a viable solution when dealing with complex projects, than the Arduino UNO?

a. More flash memory on the Arduino Mega

b. Higher power rating on the Arduino Mega

c. Higher SRAM on the Arduino Mega

d. More number of GPIO pins on the Arduino Mega

Ans. b

43. The Atmega168 is an ________ bit chip.

a. 32

b. 64

c. 8

d. 16

Ans. c

44. Why does every compilation of a source code in Arduino check for previous compilations?

a. To copy the previously generated “.o” files

b. To relocate the previously generated “.o” files

c. To delete the previously generated “.o” files

d. To use the previously generated “.o” files

Ans. d

45. What type of signal does the analogWrite() function output?

a. Pulse Code Modulated Signal

b. Frequency Modulated Signal

c. Pulse Width Modulated Signal

d. Pulse Amplitude Modulated Signal

Ans. c

46. What is the objective of the code given below if it is executed on the Arduino Uno?


int pin=13;

void setup() {




void loop() {

    for(int i=0;i<EEPROM.length();i++) {

        EEPROM.write(i, 1);





a. Clear EEPROM

b. Fill EEPROM with 1’s

c. Export EEPROM data

d. Fill EEPROM with 0’s

Ans. b

47. What is the purpose of the following Arduino code?

void setup() {



void setup() {



a. Send a signal to pin 40 on the Arduino board

b. Send a octal number of 40 through the Serial pins

c. Send a byte with value 40 through the Serial pins

d. Send a hexadecimal number of 40 through the Serial pins

Ans. c

48. What is the output of the program given below if a voltage of 5V is supplied to the pin corresponding to the A0 pin on an Arduino UNO?

void setup() {


    pinMode(A0, INPUT);


void loop() { 

    int s = analogRead(A0);



a. 0

b. 1024

c. null

d. Error

Ans. b

49. What mode should we put the Arduino pin to, in order for object detection to work with the Ultrasonic Sensor?

a. TDM

b. PCM

c. Analog

d. Digital

Ans. d

50. What will happen if we supply a voltage of 25V to the Vcc of the Nokia 5110 GDM?

a. Module will function normally

b. Damage is caused

c. Module will shut down

d. Module will not respond for the time the voltage is applied

Ans. b

51. Which software is used to upload the Arduino Sketches to the board?

a. avrdude

b. avrgcc

c. g++

d. cpython for windows

Ans. a

52.This Bluetooth mainly depends on the microcontroller like ATmega168 and this board is also called?

a. Arduino Bluetooth

b. Arduino Diecimila

c. RedBoard Arduino Board

d. RedBoard Arduino Bluetooth

Ans. a

53. Which port on any Arduino board should be connected to the Key Port on the Adafruit FONA 3G+GPS Breakout?

a. Gnd

b. Any Analog Pin

c. Vcc

d. Any Digital Pin

Ans. a

54. What is the way of throwing an error using preprocessing directives to the Arduino Compiler and forcing it to stop compilation?

a. #warning

b. #stop

c. #cut

d. #error

Ans. d

55. Arduino shields are also called as _________

a. Another Arduinos

b. Extra peripherals

c. Add on modules

d. Connectivity modules

Ans. c

56. What language is the Arduino IDE built on?

a. Java


c. C/C++

d. Python

Ans. a

57. What is the name for the characters ‘-p’ given in the command below?

avrdude -p atmega32u4 -c stk500 -e -U flash:w:diag.hex

a. Compile

b. Error

c. Flag

d. Boolean

Ans. c

58. What is the use of the dmesg command?

a. Sending messages to the device connected

b. Reading messages generated from avrdude

c. Receiving messages from the gcc compiler

d. Receiving messages from the particular device

Ans. d

59. What is USBasp?

a. It is a compiler for microcontroller code

b. It is a software for debugging any code preexisting in microcontrollers

c. It is a programmer for a specific microcontroller family

d. It is a microcontroller that is produced by Atmel

Ans. c

60. The RedBoard Arduino board can be programmed using a?

a. Micro-B USB cable

b. Mini-B USB cable

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Ans. b

61. What is the use of the MOSI and MISO pins?

a. To download code from the microcontroller to the computer

b. To verify the program that the computer uploads to the microcontroller

c. To erase the SRAM of the microcontroller

d. To dump or transfer programs from the computer to the microcontroller

Ans. d

62. Fill in the correct pattern of words for the following statement. (Here, M->Master & S-> Slave)

During data transfer from ______ to _____ the clock is synchronized according to the _____

a. MSS

b. SMM

c. MSM

d. SMS

Ans. a

63. What is the recipe for compiling Assembly Source Code in the Arduino IDE?

a. recipe.S.o.pattern

b. recipe.a.n.pattern

c. recipe.S.b.pattern

d. recipe.S.i.pattern

Ans. a

64. What is the purpose of the code given below?


a. To set the Board Variant name

b. To set the upload software name

c. To erase the upload tool name

d. To reset the upload tool

Ans. b

65. Which Arduino includes a small computer known as a microcontroller?

a. Arduino Bluetooth

b. Arduino Esplora

c. Arduino Pro Mic

d. Arduino Ethernet

Ans. b

66. Arduino Uno (R3) consists of ______-digital I/O pins?

a. 4

b. 8

c. 10

d. 14

Ans. d

67. This Arduino board depends on the ?

a. PWM Cortex-M3

b. ARM Cortex-M5

c. ARM Cortex-M3

d. CLK Cortex-M3

Ans. c

68. What is the difference between an IDE and a compiler?

a. The compiler executes the code while the IDE gives a graphical environment for writing the code

b. The compiler links the code to the respective files and the IDE takes it from there

c. The compiler and the IDE are the same thing

d. The IDE executes the code while the compiler gives a graphical environment for writing the code

Ans. a

69. What will be the output of the following Arduino code?

#define X 10;

void setup(){





void loop(){

    //Do nothing…


a. 0xAB

b. 0xa

c. 0

d. Error

Ans. d

70. The Arduino Mega is similar to the UNO’s big brother.



c. Can be true or false

d. Can not say

Ans. a

71. Does the UART Architecture require an external clock?

a. Yes

b. No

Ans. b

72. What is the purpose of the following code?

void setup() {



void setup() {



a. Send a byte with value 40 through the Serial pins

b. Send a signal to pin 40 on the Arduino board

c. Send a hexadecimal number of 40 through the Serial pins

d. Send a octal number of 40 through the Serial pins

Ans. a

73. What is the function of the readBytesUntil() function?

a. Reads only integers from a stream

b. Reads any characters from a stream

c. Reads only special characters from a stream

d. Tokenizes a string from a stream

Ans. b

74. What is the maximum number of arguments does the find() function accept?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans. b

75. How many parameters does the flush() function accept?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 4

Ans. a

76. What is the default time limit that is set automatically if no value is passed as the limit to the setTimeout() function?

a. 100 milliseconds

b. 1500 milliseconds

c. 1000 milliseconds

d. 2432 milliseconds

Ans. c

77. What compiler toolchain is used to compile the Arduino Sketches?

a. AVR-G++/GCC

b. Python

c. PowerShell

d. Perl

Ans. a

78. Where does the Arduino IDE search if it needs to find out the Name of a type of Arduino Board?

a. build.txt

b. boards.txt

c. build.core

d. Arduino.h

Ans. b

79. What is the use of the Arduino.h header file?

a. It gives root access to the microcontroller’s file system

b. It enables the programmer to access all of Arduino’s core functionality

c. It allows other people to create libraries for the Arduino code

d. It doesn’t have any use and can be omitted at any point of time in the code

Ans. b

80. How many architectures does the Arduino subfolder in the Hardware section contain?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 9

Ans. a

81. Which software is used to upload the Arduino Sketches to the board?

a. avrgcc

b. g++

c. cpython for windows

d. avrdude

Ans. d

82. What is the use for the 2 serial pins on the Arduino Diecimila?

a. To send PWM signals

b. To send and receive Serial TTL signals

c. To send and receive GPIO digital signals

d. To receive analog signals

Ans. b

83. Which Arduino Boards use the Atmega2560?

a. Arduino Micro and Due

b. Arduino Nano and Fio

c. Arduino Mega and Mega ADK

d. Arduino Uno and Robot

Ans. c

84. How many RX-TX pairs of pins are present in the Arduino Mega?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans. d

85. How many configuration files are there which allows us to customize the architecture in an Arduino in order to add support for custom boards?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans. c

86. Which chipset is the LCD library for Arduino based on?

a. Hitachi HDD4780

b. Hitachi HD46780

c. Hitachi HD45780

d. Hitachi HD44780

Ans. d

87. What is the resolution of the micros() function on the Arduino Nano?

a. 7 Microseconds

b. 4 Microseconds

c. 6 Microseconds

d. 2 Microseconds

Ans. b

88. What is the use of the Interrupt Service Routine in an Arduino?

a. To boot up the arduino

b. To exit any code that is running

c. To automate functions

d. To make more memory

Ans. c


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